How Much Should They Cost?

Dental Implants, how much should you expect to pay for them? Dental work is very common among American citizens, and millions of Americans have a missing tooth, or more.  Most missing teeth are due to tooth decay, or injury. For those missing one or more teeth, the prime option for replacing the missing tooth or teeth is a dental implant.

Previously the only options available to those who had lost teeth were dental bridges or clumsy and clunky dentures. The dental implant is an elegant and sophisticated alternative, one that allows you to regain your smile and confidence.

At their core, a dental implant is a replacement set of tooth roots and a replacement tooth (teeth) designed for you and matched to your natural teeth. A dental implant has a near indistinguishable appearance from the rest of your teeth.  Furthermore, the implanted base for the implant is meant to integrate and fuse with your jawbone, meaning the implant becomes permanent.  You don’t need to worry about removing the tooth every night. In a step up from dentures, a properly sized dental implant will fit better than any set of dentures, ensuring that you can eat and speak as you would without any missing teeth.

There are other benefits to Dental implants as well. You will eat easier, you’ll have no discomfort, most people report increased confidence, as they don’t worry about bulky, ill-fitting dentures falling out. And a major benefit over your other tooth replacement option, a dental bridge, your remaining natural teeth are not altered or reduced to make room for your new implant.

And because dental implants are individual, flossing and brushing is both easier and more effective. Dental implants are incredibly durable and will last for many years, if not decades. Over 90% of Dental implants will last you your lifetime.

When you go about the process of starting to get a dental implant you need to be aware of what costs you will need to incur. The price of dental implants can vary. Unfortunately, most dental implant surgeries are not covered by insurance so you will have to pay for the cost out of pocket. The typical cost of a dental implant is between $3,000 and $4,500.  There are cheaper options available, but to ensure that you are getting quality work done at a cheaper price, you need to ask some questions of a credentialed implant dentist.

While cheaper prices may be available, you don’t want to get poor quality work that needs to be re-done ten years down the line. You need to make sure that the listed price of your dental implants includes any necessary bone augmentation work, other treatments, such as soft tissue treatment, or extraction services.

If you need the abutment, crown, or any other work done, is that included in the cost? The dentist you are considering for your dental implant work should be happy and willing to answer all your questions.  Dental hygiene is incredibly important to long term health, and as a dental implant needs to be a long-term solution to a missing tooth, ensuring you get the best dental implant work done is imperative.  

When you look for a dental implant doctor, you should consider looking for a credentialled implant dentist. Any dentist can offer a dental implant, and any dentist may perform the procedure with skill and efficiency, but only a credentialled dentist is verified to offer the best possible experience for a dental implant or implants. After any initial dental implant appointment, the implant dentist should provide you with a personalized treatment plan. Most credentialed dentists will tell you the final estimated cost at this point, as no two people will have the same path to treatment.

One size fits all costs are uncommon and may not offer all the treatment you need for your dental implant. A qualified dental implant doctor will work with you to ensure you get the best treatment at the best price available.

Dental implants are the best way to replace missing teeth.  They outshine dentures and dental bridges by a wide margin. If you are worried about the cost of dental implants, keep in mind that Dental implants last much longer than dentures or dental bridges, so while they can cost more up front, they won’t rack of costs in the long run. If you are suffering because you are missing a tooth, or multiple teeth, then you should consider getting dental implants.